Monday, July 20, 2009

Dr. Mid-nite

Here's Dr. Mid-Nite, with his owl Charlie. I did this a while back, but I'm not particularly pleased with how it turned out. I like how I did the pose and everything, but I'm not so happy about my inking on it, now that I actually see. Plus I'm not too thrilled about his torso area.

Perhaps at some point I'll go back and re-do this one because, even with its flaws, I like this picture, and I know I can do much better on this in hindsight. So keep your eyes peeled for Dr. Mid-Nite 2.0! Coming soon....maybe.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A collaboration: Lew Morgan, George Marston and Laura Martin

Zatanna at Hogwarts

Pencils by Lew Morgan
Inks by George Marston
Colors by Laura Martin

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I'm now taking commissions. I'll draw anything you ask me to draw (well, almost anything anyway). Now, if you want a commission, I have a few rules:

1) BE SPECIFIC! Don't hesitate to tell me what it is you want me to draw. I don't like it when people tell me they want me to draw just anything. That doesn't help. So if you had something in mind, tell me what it is and I will draw for you as best as I can.

2) Please give me a due date. I'd like to know when you would like to have your drawing so I can prioritize my projects. Don't tell me you'd like it WHENEVER; if you tell me that, I may never get it done. It doesn't matter if it's in a week or in a month; just give me an idea of when you want me to finish it. That's all I ask.

3) I will need payment before I ship off your picture. I will send you payment through PayPal when I'm finished with the picture. I may throw in a small shipping fee as well, and I may ask for down payment on some projects, but it won't be much if I do ask for it. If for whatever, there is an instance where you can't provide the money before I ship it off, just e-mail me and we'll discuss other options.

My rates are as follows:

Penciled Drawings (11x17)

One character, no background: $10
One character, partial background: $25
One character, full background: $40

Additional characters are $5 each

Inked Drawings (11x17)

One character, no background: $25
One character, partial background: $40
One character, full background: $65

Additional characters are $10 each

Head sketches on 8.5x11 paper are just $5

Prices are negotiable, but that's generally my rates.

So if you wish to help support a struggling artist like me, now's your chance! Just send me an e-mail about what your idea, and I will be happy to draw it for you! Hope to hear from you all soon!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

So here's a little doodle I did for Lan Pitts in one of his many sketchbooks.

I did this with a Sharpie® pen. It's not the best I've done, but I guess it will suffice for now. Until next time.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Introductory Post

Ok. So my last post was brief. I guess I owe it to you guys to give you a more elaborate introduction.

So I'm Lew. I'm an aspiring sequential artist. I just earned an Associate's Degree not too long ago, and I may continue my education at some point, but right now I'm trying to focus on my art a little.

Speaking of my art, I've been drawing pictures for as long as I can remember. I started drawing superheroes at an early age, and I've been doing that ever since, pretty much. I have a deviantART page, although I don't update it that much either.

I told you in my last post: I'm bad at posting stuff on a regular basis. But I'm working on that, or trying to anyway. So just be on the look out. I also take commissions, so if you like my work, drop me a line and we can talk it over.

Until then, see you guys later.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

So to commemorate my inaugural blog post, I'll just show you one of my classic pieces:

So yes. I will try to post as much as I can in here, but I'm really bad at this blogging thing. Also I'm bad at posting pictures as well. So I'm going to have to work on that.