So last night I attended my first ever Drink and Draw event at the Mellow Mushroom in Decatur, and it was a lot of fun! For those of you who don't know what it is, Drink and Draw is an event held monthly in Atlanta where artists come together to draw live models dressed as certain superheroes or other comics/movie characters. They even throw out trivia questions for prizes. I got a couple right, so they gave me a couple of free beer glasses. Sweet!
Anywho, at the end of the night, artists will submit their best works to be judged by the models themselves. The prize is basically funny money that's only good at Mellow Mushroom, but hey, it's free food in my book! So here's the picture I submitted:

It didn't place, but I could tell the judges/models really liked it. I guess they didn't pick it because they picked one that looked just like it, only slightly better. Oh well. Better luck next time I suppose.
All in all, it was a neat experience, and I can't wait to do this again next month. I'll be writing more about it in my blog. In the meantime, I've got some more stuff I need draw and post. So stay tuned!